We’ve already watched the first four films in the slasher series Friday the 13th, and now we continue to investigate the saga of the often misunderstood Jason Vorhees. Will he find love? Does he finally go to prison for his crimes? Does he enjoy camping even though he almost drowned? Let’s find out, as we continue watching all of the Friday the 13th movies…
5. Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985)

On a rain soaked night Cory Feldman decides to visit the grave of his old pal, Jason Vorhees. It’s probably the worst time to visit a graveyard, but no matter. Perhaps he wants to apologize for hacking Jason to bits at the end of the last movie.
We never find out, because he is interrupted by two grave robbers. They quickly pop open Jason’s coffin, and observe the ghastly worm food that is his decaying carcass. But wait! Jason has been buried with his machete and decides to wake up and use it!
The two gravediggers become his newest victims, and Jason makes his way to a stunned Cory. Don’t worry though, because we all know that he is dreaming. He wakes up and finds that he is much older and on his way to a fun and fancy-free mental institution.
We are soon going crazy as well, due to the low quality of this film! Apparently fans were disappointed with this one because of the direction of the story. Does that mean that the other films have had a good story? No, it does not.
Spoiler Alert: Jason really was in his grave this entire movie and had nothing to do with all the murdering. Who was it? Watch to find out!
Friday the 13th Part 6: Jason Lives (1986)

Jason is once again dug out of his comfy grave, but this time we discover that the power of electricity goes beyond powering our gadgets – it also can reanimate dead corpses! Tommy sure screwed that up because now Jason is feeling great and murdering once again.
This is by far the best Jason movie since the first one. It actually feels like a real movie, made by people who actually know how to make movies. Not real movies mind you, but they know how to make a decent Friday the 13th movie. You may even find yourself entertained at times!
In the end, Tommy once again gets the better of Jason and sends him back to the bottom of the lake where he belongs. But oh, the memories he made along the way!
Friday the 13th Part 7: The New Blood (1988)

We find Jason minding his own business when some annoying teenager with mental powers accidentally wakes him up. He is so grouchy about it that he goes on a murdering rampage!
The dead guy from Weekend at Bernie’s tries to play doctor and a bunch of teenagers keep running into sharp objects. There is indeed a lot of new blood and the Carrie wannabe finally says ‘enough is enough’ and makes Professor X proud. Jason ends up back where he belongs, watching the fishies.
The best thing this movie has going for it is our extremely low expectations. With a bar this low, how can you fail? This movie lumbers along just like its soggy star and at times it will even leave you feeling bored. That is, until the third act. I actually quite enjoyed the showdown at the end. Also, this one definitely has a far more serious tone than the last one.
We have survived seven straight Friday the 13th movies! What’s that? There’s more?! How can this even be possible… OK, check in later for Part 3 of our series.