Did you miss Part 2? Click here to see #26 – 21!

#20: War Horse (2011)

War Horse movie poster



Boy, I had a hard time placing this one. On the one hand this is a nice little war drama that has plenty of heart.

On the other hand, I’m not really into horses.

I think I would be more likely to rewatch The Lost World and Indiana Jones 4 and Always than this film. However, I would rank War Horse as a better story and better film than any of them.

If you haven’t seen it, it is well worth your time (especially if you are into horses).

#19: The Post (2017)

The Post movie poster



The Post is a very good and tense movie about the publishing of the Pentagon Papers.

The great acting combination of Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep as well as the expert direction of Steven Spielberg takes a dry subject and makes it an interesting and enjoyable film.

#18: Duel (1971)

Duel movie poster



OK, this might technically be Spielberg’s first movie, but on the other hand it was a ‘TV Movie’… so, it doesn’t count, right?

Who cares because this is a good film!

My wife’s uncle showed this to her when she was a kid and it scared her to death. Every now and hten she asks me: “What’s that movie about the trucker trying to kill that guy in his car?”

It’s ‘Duel’ and it is a must watch for any Spielberg fan!

#17: Empire of the Sun (1987)

Empire of the Sun DVD cover



I saw this movie as a kid and it stuck with me ever since. Empire of the Sun is not one of Speilberg’s ‘all-time classic‘ films, but it is still a well done WWII drama with a young Christian Bale and some memorable scenes. The fantastic poster has always been one of my favorites as well.

For your average director this would be in the top 10 of their filmography. For Spielberg, it falls in the middle of our list!

#16: Hook (1991)

Hook Blu-Ray cover



Hook is a fun adventure with the brilliant Robin Williams as a grown-up Peter Pan and Dustan Hoffman as Hook.

This movie really pulls at the heart strings at times and it feels like classic Spielberg as he moves from a string of smaller dramas and back to the big blockbuster type of movies he is known for.

The tone is a bit uneven at times and Hook doesn’t rise to the heights you ar ehoping for considering the talent and subject matter, but over-all this is a satisfying family film.

#15: Bridge of Spies (2015)

Bridge of Spies Blu-Ray cover



Fear and hate can make us forget that we are all human. Bridge of Spies takes place during the late 1950’s and starts out with Tom Hanks defending Mark Rylance as he is being tried in court for being a Russian spy.

It’s instantly engaging, and Rylance is mesmerizing in every scene that he is in. This is not an action-packed espionage movie. It’s more about Tom Hanks trying to be a good person and help people out.

The movie is a bit too long, but even so it is another stellar entry into Steven Spielberg’s filmography, and I can’t help but watch this movie and think about today’s political climate as well. There aren’t many voices out there trying to find ways to bring us together… to remind us of our commonality, our humanity.

Bridges of Spies reminds me that how it was then is not so different than how it is now, and how there are far too few good people and far too many full of hate.

NEXT: We are getting close to the #1 Steven Spielberg movie of all time: READ MORE >>